Cutting-Edge Research of Quantum Physics
Quantum physics is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. This study directly impacts our understanding of electricity, energy, and the misunderstandings of digital inventions.
Pioneering Quantum Innovations
Digital Systems have revolutionized how humans live. There are discussions as to whether the massive change has been progressive or regressive in human history. The innovation being discussed here is a key cornerstone of technology and is foundational to the defense and optimization of digital systems.
Quantum innovation is feeling everything, touching nothing, and building a universe. The bedrock of creation is energy, and energy is at the center of everything. Energy is illustrated by a sinewave which represents energy shifting from one level to another level into perpetuity. Digital signals are created by interrupting the natural flow of energy moving from one place to another.
Analog Signals are Original Signals
Digital Wave Form
Digital Signals are Artificial Signals
Digital can’t exist except by analog first.
Our Specialized Studies
Biological, chemical, metallurgic, or semiconductor engineering are all dependent on subatomic studies and elements of creation. The focus of this invention is to protect and stabilize the digital ecosystem once and for all. The next phase will be to develop subatomic approaches that change the world.
Advanced Studies
Understanding seems to have ended at the digital calculator and doesn’t apply to digital systems overall. The original digital circuit was an analog circuit, using analog components that switched analog signals “on” or “off”. Thus, creating the logic construct known as digital.
Collaborative Work Effort
The scientific method requires collaborative interaction with as many contributors as possible. When studying quantum physics, it is even more critical that the field open itself to opinions, philosophies, and related findings in order to satisfy quantum curiosity.